Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Deepnet Explorer - description of program


Deepnet Explorer is a web browser. that combines IE based browsing with integrated P2P file sharing capabilities and a built-in RSS/ATOM news feed reader. The browser offers a tabbed interface, built-in popup blocker, form filler, auto-login and more.

You can easily switch between web browser, file sharing and RSS reader from the provided toolbar buttons, and also disable any of them (for example if you don't want to use the file sharing). The file sharing component is Gnutella based and allows you to search the Gnutella network, download and also share files. The news reader supports XML, RSS, RDF, Atom and OPML.

Source: http://www.computer-software-download.info/Browser-tools/69-Deepnet-Explorer.html
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Deepnet Explorer Version 1.5.2 BETA is now available!

That many users have been requesting. Deepnet Explorer is now skinnable and we are hoping that some of our users are talented designers that will help us by developing different skins. Shortly you will be able to submit these to the Deepnet website, the best will be uploaded for other users to download and naturally the designers will receive credit for them.

Another key improvement is that Deepnet is now nearly bug free. We have spent a lot of time and effort in trying to fix all the bugs that have been reported to us. It was in fact the Content Filter that caused the majority of the crash problems, so we have completely rewritten that feature. We have conducted extensive stress testing internally in which Deepnet browser visited over 50,000 websites without crashing.

We hope that you enjoy the new features. As always, we value your feedback, so please do get in touch with us.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hackers move fast to exploit just-patched IE bug

Just three days after Microsoft patched 11 bugs in Internet Explorer (IE), hackers are exploiting one of those vulnerabilities, a security company said Friday. Microsoft fixed the flaw Tuesday in an 11-patch update for IE. That update was part of a larger Patch Tuesday roll-out that quashed 34 bugs in 16 separate security bulletins.

Most security experts had put the IE update at the top of their priority lists, and urged Windows users to deploy it as soon as possible. Today, Symantec reported that CVE 2011-1255 -- its assigned ID in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures database -- is already being abused. "So far, we have only seen limited attacks taking advantage of this vulnerability and believe that the exploit is only being carried out in targeted attacks at present," said Joji Hamada, a senior researcher with Symantec's security response team, in a post to a company blog.

Hamada said that Symantec had found an exploit on an apparently-compromised site that automatically downloads an encrypted malicious file to the PC of any user browsing with an unpatched copy of IE8. The malware shows some bot traits, Hamada added. Once planted on a machine, it contacts a remote server and listens for commands from its hacker overlords. Although the CVE 2011-1255 vulnerability affects IE6 and IE7 as well as IE8, Symantec has only seen working exploits that target the latter. IE9, the browser that Microsoft launched in mid-March, is not affected by the vulnerability, although it was also patched Tuesday to address four different bugs.

In the accompanying advisory, Microsoft pegged the flaw as "critical," its most-serious threat level, for IE7 and IE8 on all Windows machines, and for IE6 running on Windows XP. For IE6 on Windows Server 2003 Microsoft rated the bug as "moderate." Microsoft also assigned a "1" to the vulnerability in its exploitability index, meaning the company expected a reliable exploit to appear within 30 days. The attackers beat that by a significant margin, putting their exploit into play within three days.

Microsoft was made aware of the flaw in late January by VeriSign's iDefense Labs, which had bought the bug from an anonymous researcher through its bounty program. iDefense's own advisory categorized the vulnerability as a "use-after-free" bug, a type of memory management flaw that can be exploited to inject attack code. Users unable to apply Tuesday's IE update can stymie the attacks Symantec has spotted by disabling JavaScript. To turn off JavaScript, users should select the "Tools" menu in IE, then click "Internet Options," the "Security" tab and the "Internet" content zone. Next, click "Custom Level" and in the "Settings" box, click "Disable" under "Active scripting." Click "OK" in the current dialog box.

News source: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9217727/Hackers_move_fast_to_exploit_just_patched_IE_bug?taxonomyId=17
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Monday, June 13, 2011

6 Short Ways to Speed Up Internet Explorer

Now, you can easily speed up Internet explorer without delving into many hassles. Follow below the enumerated piece of advice and you will see in a short time how effectively you can work faster on your browser without any external mechanism attached to it.

Often you have noticed that IE takes much longer time than required to load web pages. Even it doesn't restrict disturbing pop-up ads. These and few more problems results into the slower performance of the Internet explorer.

Five invaluable tips which will not only speed up Internet explorer but will also enhance its performance levels

1. There is a feature called phishing filter in the browse which helps in preventing your system gets access to unauthorized and deceptive website which may try to intrude your network. This specific feature tends to slow down the speed of Internet browser for which Microsoft has even launched a patch. But, many users have complained that this doesn't make any difference in the speed. It is advisable that you turn off ant-phishing feature by selecting 'tools.

2. RSS feeds are delivered to your browser from time to time. This feature usually tends to slow down the speed of Internet browser. You can switch it off if it's not that essential for your work.

3. There is a Java plug-in, SSV Helper embedded in the browser which can also be one of the reasons for the slowing down of the speed. Turning it off will enhance the performance levels as well as speed up Internet explorer.

4. Internet explorer has an advanced option Clear type for HTML. It's been found out that this specific feature tends to slow down the speed of browser. You can do without it as well.

5. Usually, web browsers draw two streams by default which can be increased to six or more. This will enable high speed Internet browsing. To serve this purpose IE 7 max connections tool is employed.

6. Or, this may be a case that Windows registry of your system is slow due to some errors or corrupt files which might be hampering with speed of IE. So, it is advisable that you first clean up registry and then look for other enumerated solutions. As registry is the backbone of your system and all programs installed on it. Thus, may be cleaning up of registry may speed up Internet Explorer.

You can effectively employ these steps to speed up your browser activity and be assured. If you are seeking some more information and tips on registry cleaning and turbojet your PC, laptop, or web browser performance, you can check our articles directory.

Source: http://goo.gl/0vE1S
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Friday, June 3, 2011

Repair Internet Explorer 7 - How to Get a Quick and Easy Internet Explorer Repair

Do you need to repair internet explorer 7? Although you may have one of the latest versions of internet explorer, there is still the possibility of the browser breaking down.

There could be a number of things that go wrong with it. You can have trouble opening the program, it may shut down or close at random times, IE may be acting very slow, or it may just freeze up and cause your computer to crash.

Any of these symptoms require an internet explorer repair. But there is a very good chance that the problem is not with internet explorer 7 itself. What may actually be causing the problems is the systems ability to communicate with IE.

When the communication process breaks down it can cause many of the problems listed above. So how exactly does the computer communicate with internet explorer? Through the Windows registry.

The registry contains information to run all software and hardware on your computer. This includes Internet Explorer 7. Your DLL, Browser Help Objects, and Kernel that are so vital to running IE are located within the registry. In order to repair IE 7 you must first fix the registry.

How to repair internet explorer 7

What you need to do is run a scan of your computer and fix all the corrupt registry files. Unfortunately you cannot locate these errors manually so you will need a program to do it for you. After diagnosing the problem and fixing the errors, not only will it repair internet explorer 7, the software will speed up your overall computer performance tremendously. Try it out for free below.

Source: http://goo.gl/I1gOc
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